Fueling Locations
Options to get gas for state-owned vehicle
A Wex Fuel card is assigned to each vehicle and has been programmed with preset limits and is accepted at the State managed sites as well as most retail locations. See where to find these fuel stations below.
State Owned Fuel Sites
State managed fuel sites are owned and operated by the State Fuel Network. They are less expensive than retail sites and accept the State Fuel Card.
Retail Locations
Using your WEX card, you can fuel up with gas or diesel at participating service stations. This is a great option for when State Owned Fuel Sites are out of reach.
Download WEX Connect
You can also download "WEX Connect" mobile app from your mobile device using the app store.
Why Join the Fuel Network?
The Fuel Network offers access to State owned fuel sites and over 2800 retail locations. The network is available to Federal, State and Local Government entities as well as private nonprofits operating in Utah.Fuel at state owned sites is typically much less expensive than retail fuel and the fuel network will provide full reporting with audit trails for effective financial management of fuel purchases.
If your eligible agency has private fuel tanks, the fuel network provides management services to qualifying fuel dispensing locations in exchange for allowing access to other fuel network participants at your location. Allowing the fuel network to manage your tank provides your agency access to the full fuel network. For more information on adding your tanks to the fuel network, please contact [email protected] or click the link below.