Fuel Billing

Fuel Network

Fuel Billing and Reports

The State Fuel Network uses Ekos for fuel card management and the Cognos Analytics Billing to enable Fleet Managers to successfully monitor fuel costs for their fleet vehicles.

Cognos Analytics Billing

You will need to log in with your Utah ID to view billing statements, invoices and reports such as Fuel total by card(Compatible w/ Google Chrome and IE11 or higher). The reports allow you to drill-down static summary data to see specific data points.

Access Billing Instructions opens in a new tab
Access Billing Reports opens in a new tab

Online Payment Portal

The Online Payment Portal is to view outstanding invoices for fuel tanks, and fuel purchases and offers the option to pay your invoice online with a bank account. To access your account, use your user ID as the email address and the password you set up with the UtahID.

Don’t remember your password? You can reset it from the log-on page using your Customer Code/Account. Please send an email to [email protected] if you are unable to locate the required information.

Payment Portal opens in a new tab
Payment Portal Instructions opens in a new tab